Fish Stories
Texas A&M '89-'90
So I get to Texas A&M for "FOW" (Freshman Orientation Week), and find
that evil demons have possesed the bodies of "fish Torres" and "fish
Nogueras" now "Mr. Torres" and "Mr. Nogueras". So unassuming and nice
they had seemed. And now they were upperclassmen. Not just
upperclassmen either. They were "Pissheads". The Aggie slang for
sophomores, they were hell on low quarters. Instantly I realize why
it is so easy to join the Aggie Band. Its because you are not going
to stay in unless you REALLY want to. Anyway, here are some interesting
tales from that freshman year:
- Freshman Orientation Week
- The Feuerbacher Twins
- Life at Drill
- fish Hay makes a mistake
- The Arkansas game
- Do unto others...
- Bird on the Hat
- Mr. Moore and the Honk and Bonk stand
- Hell Week!
- BQ Ball
- They got Dan...
- Todd Thoele deserves to be remembered for this one
Move on to the Sophomore Year
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