Aggie Band Search Tool

Find those ole army BQ's

This returned %d results

\n", mysql_num_rows($result)); printf("\n"); $color= "#AAAAFF"; printf("\n", $color); printf("\n", $color); printf("\n", $color); printf("\n", $color); printf("\n", $color); for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { /* Here it gets the data */ $info= mysql_fetch_object ($result); /* Here it populates the table with data */ $bgcolor = "#ccccff"; printf("\n", $bgcolor, $info->lname); printf("\n", $bgcolor, $info->fname); printf("\n", $bgcolor, $info->year); printf("\n", $bgcolor, $info->class); printf("\n", $info->email, $info->email); } printf("
Last NameFirst NameStart YearClass ofEmail

\n"); } else printf("No Matches to your Query

\n"); mysql_free_result($result); } else printf("%s (%s)\n", mysql_error(), $query); } mysql_pconnect("localhost","rhay","AmazonDesert"); if (isset ($_GET["lname"])) { /* This is the Last Name query */ querydb("select * from members where lname like '".addslashes($_GET["lname"])."' order by lname"); } if (isset ($_GET["year"])) { /* This is the Start Year query */ querydb("select * from members where year like '".addslashes($_GET["year"])."' order by lname"); } if (isset ($_GET["class"])) { /* This is the Class query */ querydb("select * from members where class like '".addslashes($_GET["class"])."' order by lname"); } if (isset ($_GET["range1"]) && isset ($_GET["range2"])) { /* This is the Range Query */ querydb("select * from members where class between '".addslashes($_GET["range1"])."' and '".addslashes($_GET["range2"])."' order by lname"); } mysql_close(); ?>
This is a search tool for the database of Aggie Band members, past and present. Over 7200 names grace the list, and it includes members in the band who wore boots, and those who were not as fortunate. Wildcards can be used to select a pattern of former/current members. The wildcard chartacter is "%". So if you want to see all the band members who started in the 1800's, you could type "18%" in the start year box, and hit submit to get that answer. Additionally, if you remember someone from the old days whose name was last name was Milton or Milhouse, or whatever, you could search for "Mi%" to get all the last names that start with "Mi". To create a virtual roster for a year, use the range query. Type the range of classes you want to view, and submit the query.
Enter a Last Name to search the Aggie Band Database
Enter a Start Year to search the Aggie Band Database
Enter a Class to search the Aggie Band Database

Find all members between the Class of and the Class of

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