There are errors in the members database!
And we would like to fix the problems. Let me explain. It all has to do with how this database was
created. I, the webmaster, created this searchable database based on the only data source available to
me. That being the list compiled by Don Powell for the publication The Texas Aggie Band Book. For
reasons of inclusion everyone was included in the list who had been in the Aggie Band for at least a
semester. Also, Powell listed everyone, not by class, but by the year they started in. This has caused
two flaws with this list. They are:
- 1. As people were listed by start year, to derive class, 4 was added to their start year.
While this is accurate for most former members, people who frogged in would be mislisted as members of
the class after the one they really were a part of.
- Possible Solution: If you have a moment, issue a query on the database to actually look at the
people listed as members of your class. If you see someone who was an upperclassman to you, the chances
are they are products of the above known flaw. You can also check the query of the class after your own
and check it for any instances of your classmates. Same flaw. Any fixes to clean up this discrepancy
would be appreciated.
- 2. Everyone who was ever in the Aggie Band is listed, no matter what their tenure. Hence there is
no distinction made between those who were in for one semester and failed out, copped out, were run out,
or whatever, and those who worked their butts off and became band commander.
- Possible Solutions: The database should include everyone was in the Aggie Band, but there
should be some way to highlight those that endured to the point of wearing boots. How to do this is a
bit trickier. Currently the TABA is researching the possible existence of lists of people who were
issued band sweaters at the end of their junior year. While there might be a few of those people who
didn't make it to there senior year for whatever reason, the vast majority of persons on such lists would
be the ones who made it to wear boots. This should allow for people to create a list of persons in their
class who made it to be Zips. To mitigate emails I get from people sometimes that go like this, 'I am in
the class of 1981, and I did a search on members of my class and 105 people showed up. I know we only
graduated 30. What's up with that?' I admit it would be nice to allow for this distinction between
those who stuck it out, and those who did not. We're working on it.
Anyway, this list is designed for the use of people who were in the Aggie Band. If you spot any other
flaws I overlooked, let me know at Thanks.