Texas A&M University's

Fightin' Texas Aggie Band

Calendar of Events

Texas A&M University's Fightin' Texas Aggie Band marked its centennial year during 1994. It has grown from a mere 13 members in 1894 to more than 400 musicians today.

Key facts and figures about the group:

The band is nationally known for its stirring renditions of patriotictunes and precision military marching style. Among its most popular numbers are "The Aggie War Hymn," the school's fight song; "The Spirit of Aggieland," its alma mater; "Noble Men o f Kyle," the group's signature march; "The Ballad of the Green Berets;" and "Stars and Stripes Forever."

As a prelude to its centennial celebration, the band premiered three new marches during the fall 1993 football season written specifically for the group. A new recording (on CD or cassette) is now available entitled "Texas Aggie Band Centennial," feat uring the band's traditional favorites and the new marches. The Texas A&M University Press has released a book on the history and traditions of the band.

The band is under the direction of Lt. Col. Ray E. Toler (Ret. USAF). Lt. Col. Jay O. Brewer (TSG) is associate director. Lt. Timothy B. Rhea is assistant director and Dorothy Hopkins is staff asssistant.

Any questions should be referred to rhay@tamos.net
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